Wednesday, September 21, 2005

See You...

...At The Pole ( was this morning. We (OCH people) gathered at our flag pole for prayer at 9:00 AM. I know, not as early as most of the public schools, but because of the fact that we have late arrival on had to be late. Anyway, we had some unexpected grade school kids show up, and I think I counted around 34 people there, including all the students, teachers, and parents. It was good. Good that people showed up to pray for our school and country. Good that we were a witness to our community. Good that we have a free country that allows us to gather and pray in freedom and without fear. Thank God for freedom!

1 comment:

SteveDaWonder said...

I had my own SY@TP with myself, outside, by a pole. It was nice, I must admit.

Off topic, Tawnya, it's crazy out here! Im going nuts, but it's ok.