Saturday, September 10, 2005


One day, he's living his life, and you don't even realize it because you've lost touch with him and he's in another state. Nevertheless, he lives his life, you live yours, and you take the whole arrangement for granted. Then you get a phone call. You find that, while you were living your life in your normal if somewhat random way, his ended. Suddenly. Tragically. And everything changes. You realize that life is fragile. Life is unpredictable. Life is, as I said yesterday, sometimes unfathomable. You are glad that God is in control. You are glad that He knows what He's doing. And you hope that good can come of what seems to be a senseless tragedy.


SteveDaWonder said...

Much love, Tawnya! Im praying for you, your family, and the Cody family!

MissTawn said...

Thank you! That means a lot!