Saturday, October 07, 2006


Well, Kelso posted something about this on his blog, and as I was reading it and commenting him, I realized...I have a lot to say about it! So here I am.

The school shootings this week have been all over the news, and maybe you're tired of hearing about them. But truly, unless you are involved in a school on a daily basis, you don't know the fear that is inspired by these events. The massacre in the Amish schoolhouse hit especially close to home for those of us in private schools. Honestly, for the first time ever, I actually forced myself to face the question "what would I do?" If some psychotic maniac charged into my school and into my classroom, what are my options? I mean, we can have a plan and we can be "prepared" but truly...who is ever really prepared? One of my students said, "If that happened here, I would take him out...I'd charge him and take his gun..." And the guys are all pretty certain that they would never leave the girls to face a gunman alone. All heroic and hopefully unnecessary sentiments. But as I mentioned, it became pretty personal for me this week. I came to the decision that, first of all, I am ready to go. If it's my time, I'm ready. If God says it's time to go home, it's time. Additionally, I would die before I let anyone hurt any of my students. I mean, good grief, I get pretty protective of my students even when their lives are not being threatened. Of course, you never know if, by your death, you are going to save someone else's life, but how could you live with yourself if you didn't try and someone died? I know these are some pretty random, and possibly morbid, thoughts, but hey. These are things I have faced this week, and if I can't write them in my "online journal" what's the point?

My thoughts and prayers have been with the students, families, and school officials who have suffered these senseless tragedies this week. I simply cannot imagine the terror and the grief they are facing. Families have lost sisters and daughters and granddaughters and nieces....teachers have lost students, students have lost classmates. And, in a larger sense, we have all lost. We've lost some of the innocence, some of the trust. We've faced the realization, once again, that cruelty and madness can invade the safest of havens. There are no easy answers, no simple solutions. All we can do is pray that our faithful Heavenly Father will hear the cries of the innocent, that He will bring peace to the suffering, and that the people of our nation will turn to God. We know that eventually His justice will reign supreme, and all will be made right. I am waiting for that day.

Stay true to Jesus. He is coming soon.

Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now.~1 Cor. 13:12

1 comment:

Jim said...

A really sad part of the latest Colorado shooting was a boy who said he tried to stay in the room with the girls, but the gunman put a gun to his head and told him he'd kill him if he stayed. He went on all the morning talk shows telling that story. Then he confessed that he was one of the first ones out of the room.

Really sad.