What a week! This has been a crazy, crazy week!! First of all, my allergies have been worse than they have ever been, and so all week I have been really congested and yuck. Well, now I think it has turned into a cold. Not fun! Anyway.
Tuesday was the last day of classes. It was a half-day, and then the PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship) took the teachers out to lunch. That was nice! Tuesday night was the drama cast party, which about 50 people showed up to. I think we kinda overwhelmed Applebees, but it was all good. Wednesday was the school picnic, which ended up being lots of fun, and Wed. nite we had our youth group party -- to Jeff's for pizza then to the T-Bones game. THAT was totally cool! I have pictures which I will need to post sometime when I have my camera downstairs while I'm posting.
Thursday was a teacher workday, which I used to its fullest extent and got all my grading done, all my grades turned in, and all my awards and certificates ready to go. CARA got here around 1PM and helped me quite a bit...thanks, babe! Then Thur. night was the awards assembly, and after that we went and ate at Applebees with Michael. Oh my goodness. I think it must have been 8th grade prom nite, because there were all these little obnoxious kids who were SO LOUD we had to yell to each other to be heard! It was kinda hilarious!
Friday I had to be at the school for a meeting at 10AM, then we decorated for graduation all afternoon. THAT was stressful. Thankfully, I had some good help! Thanks to all the wonderful people who helped us out!! Yay for you! Friday night was graduation, and I will post pictures of that later too. It was a really good night. It was soooo hot!! The faculty had to sit on the stage and oh my word. In the middle of graduation, one of the light gels fell down onto some of the teachers. That was pretty funny, for those who saw it. After graduation, we did some party-hopping and got to see lots of cool people. I took a picture of a table-full of "kids" who are all either current or former students of mine. Wow. Some things just make ya realize that time has flown and you've been teaching a long time.
I just finished my 10th year of teaching, for those of you who don't know. Yep. Ten years. I graduated from college 10 years ago. Unbelievable. Of the kids who were in my first 8th grade class, three of them have graduated from college, one has a masters' degree, and two of them are serving our country in the military. None of them are married, that I know of, but one is getting married this August. Where has the time gone?
So today I woke up really sick, and spent most of the day in bed. Then this evening we went to a dinner over at the school that was a fundraiser for the college group that is going to the Carribbean in a couple weeks. THAT was cool!! We had so much fun! Then we went to Sharen's house and Jeff, Sharen, Cara and I ate Sheridan's and played Zobmondo. Fun times!!
Well, I guess I'd better wrap this up and go to bed so I'll be worth something in the morning.
Hope everyone is doing great and that you have a wonderful holiday! I'll try to update again soon -- with pictures!
Love to all who read!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
For My Cuz

Let me tell you just a little bit about my cousin. His name is Aaron Wayne Skeen and he discovered America about 1 ½ years after I did. Although we have never even lived in the same state, we have always been close, which is why I’m writing this.
Aaron is getting married on Saturday. May 20th. He’s 31 ½ years old and he’s getting married. And I couldn’t be happier for him. He deserves this. But I can’t help feeling a little sentimental and nostalgic...and yes, a little sad. Because, you see, Aaron and I have been buds for a long time...
I cannot remember a time when Aaron was not part of my life. We grew up only seeing each other once or twice a year, yet that never affected our closeness. Some of my earliest memories include his sister (Debbie), my brother (Scott), Aaron and I playing together in my grandparents’ basement or yard, or at their farm. From the first, it seemed that Aaron and I were allies in fighting off the "obnoxious" younger siblings. The two of them stuck together, and so did Aaron and I. He was my protector and defender from a very young age.
Well, as most of you know and can probably guess, that hasn’t changed much. Yes, we’ve grown up and lots of things have changed, but Aaron and I have remained close. We've attended youth camp together for many years, graduating from being campers, to sponsoring teams together, and even served on the Youth Council together for awhile. Last summer, I was blessed to be able to go to Russia with him on a missions' trip.
Aaron has become a young man with a heart for God. I’ve watched him develop into someone who inspires me with his level of commitment and desire to serve God. He is deeply spiritual without having to talk much about it. He is deeply emotional and loves his family and friends with a passion that is sometimes frightening, especially to those who would challenge it. He is an amazing listener and can be trusted to keep everything from the smallest secret to the biggest confidence. When Aaron and I are together, nobody has to talk. We can sit for hours (doesn’t usually happen, especially with me) without ever needing to say anything. He understands me completely and always has, without ever needing an explanation.
My gratefulness to God for blessing my life with Aaron knows no bounds. I cannot express how deeply thankful I am for the many years we have had, and I am looking forward to many more years of happy times and fun memories!
Am I glad that Aaron has fallen in love and is marrying the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with? Yes, absolutely. Do I wish him and his new bride all the happiness in the world? Without reservation. Do I have mixed feelings, knowing that things are going to be different now? Yeah, I do. Somewhat selfishly, I am dreading the fact that this changes things. I know that Aaron and I will always be close. I know I’ll always be able to talk to him about anything. But this doesn’t change the fact that he will now have a wife. He will have an obligation and a commitment that he’s never had before. Does this change the fact that he loves me and is my cousin? No. Does it make me sad that I probably won’t see him as often, and that our time spent together will most likely be limited? Yep. It does. I’m happy for him, and kinda sad for me. I hope that doesn’t sound selfish.
I don’t think my feelings have anything to do with the fact that Aaron is leaving the ranks of the "singles" and joining up with the "marrieds." I really don’t. I have heard people say that they feel betrayed or rejected when a single friend or relative gets married, but I don’t feel that way. I just feel a little sad because of the changes that will take place.
I am a single person who believes in marriage and who supports my married friends in every way I can. I will support Aaron and Alyssa in their marriage and I will continue to be happy for them, knowing that they are following God and obeying Him with their lives. I am unreservedly happy for them both, and I welcome Alyssa to the family with open heart and arms.
I just hope you can understand the temporary sense of nostalgia and sadness that I feel, knowing that a new chapter in life is beginning. Definitely for them, but also for me. I gladly watch as my dear, sweet cousin begins a new life with his bride. I am happy to witness their wedding and their vows and to pledge my support to them as they begin their new life together. And I trust that the same Heavenly Father who fills all voids and who heals all hearts will lead them forever down the path of His perfect will.
Here’s to Aaron and Alyssa. Here’s to beautiful memories and bright futures. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness – past, present and future. Here’s to the knowledge that our Father leads us faithfully as we follow Him.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Wizard of Oz
To see pictures of the KCCBS drama department's production of The Wizard of Oz, please go to www.xanga.com/tawnyasmith.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Youth Retreat 2006
For a report on Harmony Hill Youth Retreat, complete with pictures, please visit my Xanga site.
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