Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Not so random...

Alrighty...as promised, I am going to explain a little about where I'm going tomorrow. After school is out at noon, my aunt and uncle are picking me up and we are driving to Denver. On Wednesday morning, my cousin, his cousin, and I are flying out of DIA to Dulles in Washington, DC. There we will meet up with the rest of our team (from Oregon) and we will fly to St. Petersburg, Russia -- via Vienna. :) We are going to lose nine hours on the way there! When we get there on Thursday, we will begin our two weeks of ministry...because it is, after all, a Work and Witness trip. As far as we know, we will be working on a property that has been purchased for the pupose of a youth camp. We will also be visiting at least one orphanage and we will do some sightseeing as well. :) We arrive back in Denver on August 31st so I expect to be back in KC sometime Labor Day weekend. I will most likely not have internet access but I'll keep in touch as much as possible. For those that know my parents, you can contact them for updates while I'm gone as I'll probably be in touch with them the most. Otherwise, have a great two weeks and I'll talk to ya when I get back! God bless!!


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